Essential Tips On How To Get Highly Paid Content Writing Freelance Jobs

Where can you find freelance jobs to start with?

In order to get highly paid content writing jobs as a freelancer, you need to understand where to look for work in the first place. Many writers will choose to start their careers using one of the many content mills that can be found online. Alternatively, other writers may choose to find writers privately.

Whilst it is possible to find work elsewhere, such as through classified ads or regular job sites, these are two of the most common methods used by writers in the industry.

The pros and cons of using content mills

There are several advantages and disadvantages of using content mills. For a start, the benefits can include easier access to a large number of clients. There can also be efficient payment systems, using third parties to hold onto any funds whilst the project is being worked on, thus minimising the risk of any payments not being made.

Some of the disadvantages; however, include the fact that, whilst it is possible to find some fantastic clients who pay decent rates, there are also many clients out there who are simply looking to get the work done as cheaply as possible, and are not necessarily willing to pay what many were considered to be a fair rate.

The pros and cons of finding work through private clients

One of the main advantages of sourcing private clients is a possibility to earn considerably more per job than may be possible when using content mills. However, there can be a lot more work required in sourcing the clients in the first place, as well as numerous rejections before you actually win any work. However, for writers who find regular work through private clients, this can eliminate the time-consuming disadvantage of having to find work.

Tips to help you win jobs and increase the amount you get paid

In order to increase your chances of getting well-paid work, it is a good idea to put together a portfolio that can demonstrate your expertise for the job. Not only does this demonstrate your expertise for the job, but you can include a portfolio, or individual samples, as an attachment for a job proposal, whilst the main content in the proposal itself is aimed at addressing the requirements of the client, rather than simply listing any achievements or any related previous work you have done - which doesn’t demonstrate how you can help the client.

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