Where To Look For Part-Time Freelance Science Writing Jobs: Tips For Newbies

Science writing is a highly specialized field that requires trained writers to take on an endless amount of weekly projects on several topics. Freelance writing in general can be quite lucrative and can lead to large incomes, but when it comes to specialized fields the opportunities to make a great living are endless. A lot of people will choose to do this full-time but part-time work can also be a great way of earning extra money each month. Here are some tips for newbies trying to get started with a part-time freelance science writing career:

Search for Opportunities on Freelancing Sites:

The most convenient place to start your search for part-time freelance science writing jobs is on a specialized freelancing site which connects both clients and providers on thousands of projects each day. When a client requires a specific number of projects they find that hiring a great writer on a small contract is preferred over hiring a long-term employee. Spend a few minutes each day looking for new listings.

Contact Online and Print Journals Directly:

If you are a particularly good science writer then you probably already know a bit about the industry and will recognize suitable online and print publications to write for. If you aren’t aware of good publications then spend some time researching this information. Contacting online and print journals directly is a great way of not just increasing your chances of landing a great part-time freelance writing job but also of getting your name out into the industry.

Build an Online Profile and Portfolio:

One of the best tips out there is to create an online profile and portfolio in order to attract job opportunities to you. This highly effective method allows you to receive inquiries about your services and qualifications and can be very efficient when you consider that you need to only spend about an hour building a really good portfolio though it will attract the attention of clients for months thereafter.

Network with Other Freelance Science Writers:

Lastly, don’t forget to network with other freelance science writers. Don’t simply consider other service providers as your competition, but consider them to be valuable contacts that could lead you to a number of new opportunities. Keep in touch with your colleagues and ask about their projects. They might lead onto job opportunities that didn’t quite fit their niches but would be perfect for you.

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